My Story
Hi there! This is where I try to tell you a little bit about myself.
I'll try to keep this somewhat brief, but it's always difficult for me to give a brief description and not get hung up on all the details. I dig much deeper in my podcast episodes, so check them out if you want to learn more. Here goes...
I grew up in a loving Christian home, complete with father, mother, and five siblings. I accepted Christ at the age of 11. I've always been very musical and have been involved in my local church since an early age. Everything was normal and fine until that wonderful stage of life called puberty kicked in...
It was during this chapter of life that I suddenly developed an attraction to other boys. You can ask me where it came from, but I honestly don't have an answer. It was like that gift from an old relative that you don't want but receive anyway. My mind and feelings were bombarded with attractions and curiosities that I did not want, had never before experienced, and was totally unprepared for!
Sadly, I felt that I had nowhere to turn and no one to talk to. I was scared. I was now that young man that many a preacher condemned from the pulpit and called an abomination. I felt utterly and completely alone. Meanwhile my attractions continued to grow. Fast-forwarding through late teens and early college years would find me only confiding in a handful of people and failing miserably at fighting such sins as lust and an ever-growing fear of man.
I never, however, completely lost my heterosexual attractions. God knew this and, in His perfect timing, brought my wonderful and amazingly gracious wife into my life. With her help, and more importantly God's help, I have been able to make great strides in self-discovery and soul-searching. After years of experiencing defeat and constant sense of failure I've finally been able to taste a little of what victory is like - by God's grace. I have finally gotten to the place where I can open up to the world and say "This is me. This is my sin. This is my Savior. Come follow Jesus with me."
Have I learned the hidden secrets of life and solved all my problems? Of course not. Am I cured of my SSA? If only...
Is God's grace sufficient? A resounding YES! He has brought me so far, and I know that He intends to take me further down the road of being conformed into His image. And I want to help others along my way. Others who, like me, are committed to seeking Christ but are tasked with carrying the cross of SSA. It is not easy. There will be cuts, bruises, tears, and stumbles. But Jesus is here for me. He is here for you. And we can come alongside each other and pursue Him as brothers and sisters.